So learns from the Italians that employees enjoy about 8 weeks paid holidays, or from the Portugese, that Labor Day is a Bank Holiday in Europe, the police does not arrest anybody having and/or using drugs, and that it is wrong and against human dignity to support capital punishment. Slovenia amazes him that the state offers free university education, or that the Finish Education System does entirely without homework, while the French offers their children the best meals for school lunches.
Although it is a bit funny that employees of small businesses of all things - he visits the company Faber-Castell, which produces pencils (sic!) - have only one job, he does seem to be surprised about how we're dealing with our past, an aspect which reminded me of Adorno foremost principle of education, "Die Forderung, dass Auschwitz nicht noch einmal sei, ist die allersterste Erziehung." [Th. Adorno, Erziehung nach Auschwitz).
At the end visiting the remnants of the Berlin Wall he remembers that most of the ideas he wanted to bring back to America were orginally American ideas. Unfortunately the country seem to have forgotten its own ideals. And the highlight a CEO from Iceland says why she does not want to live in the US.